6.1.0 (2022-11-03)

  • Android 13 compatibility

    • increased AGP (Android Gradle Plugin) to version 7.3.1

    • increased gradle to version 7.5.1

    • increased buildToolsVersion to 33.0.0

  • increased kotlin to version 1.7.20

    • targetSdkVersion and compileSdkVersion updated to 33

  • increased com.google.android.material:material to version 1.7.0

  • increased play-services-maps to version 18.1.0

  • expose markerClusteringDelay in MapConfig to control clustering interval

6.0.1 (2022-07-11)

  • increased AGP (Android Gradle Plugin) to version 7.2.1

  • increased gradle to version 7.3.3

  • increased google’s android material library to version 1.6.1

6.0.0 (2022-02-18)

  • increased AGP (Android Gradle Plugin) to version 7.1.0

  • increased gradle to version 7.2

  • increased kotlin to version 1.6.10

  • increased com.google.android.material:material to version 1.5.0

  • increased play-services-maps to version 18.0.2

  • increased org.rajawali3d:rajawali to version = 1.2.1970

5.0.2 (2020-10-13)

  • marker clustering will be deactivated when MapFragment calls onPause and activated during onResume

5.0.0 (2020-05-07)

  • deprecated PositionDirectionMarker - PositionMarker already contains rotation information

  • fixed a bug where the marker clustering was not called on first map open

  • improved marker clustering performance

  • improved turn by turn instructions

4.1.4 (2019-10-15)

  • play-services-maps version increased to 16.1.0

4.1.2 (2019-05-08)

  • after a level switch the camera is correctly placed even if the new level is at different center lat/lng

4.1.1 (2019-04-23)

  • fixed a bug which causes camera jumps when you scrolled to the level plan bounds

  • makers of favendo map are better clickable now

4.1.0 (2019-03-01)

  • added onNavigationStarted callback method to the BaseMapFragment

4.0.1 (2019-02-27)

  • camera will not follow the position after the first automatic camera move (when no map interactions happened till the first position arrives)

4.0.0 (2019-02-11)

  • every IndoorMarker provides a BottomSheetInfo property now which can be used to define the text which is shown in the MarkerDetailDefault


  • you have now complete control over each markers visibility with the setMarkerVisibility method

  • added additional helper methods for hiding and showing markers by their venue type


  • new config values for setting initial camera information

  • whenever the map receives a position and the user did no make any map interactions yet the camera will automatically jump to that position

  • onBackPressed method of BaseMapFragment was called twice (up and down key events) now it is only called on the up event

  • Markers will not expire if AssetMarkerExpirationHandling.NONE expiration handling was set


  • level number in LevelSwitcherDefault adjust its self to the font size system setting

  • correct initial level number will be chosen in case the configured level does not exist


  • better right-to-left support

  • fixed a bug with marker anchor points in the FavendoMapFragment

  • use the new AssetMarkerExpirationHandling config value to decide what should happen with assets which are no longer received


  • fixed a bug in the Favendo map view which caused some markers to be rendered as black squares

  • position update will be suppressed until the previous one was processed


  • replaced all android:src with app:srcCompat in order to work correctly with vector drawables

  • fixed side view projection if bearing is not an exact a multiple of 45 degrees


  • levels plan are now requested in a specific size based on the devices resolution


  • orientation lock during level switch switch was not working in some cases

  • The marker detail sheet shows the assets which are lying behind the selected one now

  • Asset markers appear above the position marker now

  • turn by turn directions also show the level to which a user have to go

  • turn by turn directions are disabled by default now


  • opened some methods for better customization


  • fixed some issues with color customization

  • updated google play services to 11.4.2

  • added AssetMapComponent which brings the asset tracking feature of the Sdk also to the map

  • added new api methods getSelectedMarker and getNavigationDestinationMarker for the BaseMapFragment

  • during a level switch the screen orientation will now be locked

  • The clustering will now be updated correctly if a marker is already selected


  • fixed some issues with color customization


  • zoom level in FavendoMap was not represented correctly

  • fixed some bugs concerning the texture management of the FavendoMap

  • fixed a bug concerning the camera’s on idle callbacks


  • new clustering feature which shows and hides markers based on their size on the map (no overlapping anymore)

  • fixed various bugs and made some performance improvements when adding objects to the map scene

  • updated google play services to 11.0.4


  • MarkerDetailDefault shows zone and timestamp information for an asset

  • in some cases Markers were added below the level plan


  • fixed issue concerning fragment lifecycle

  • added custom marker support for the side view


  • fixed issue with to big markers

  • markers with level switch indication (like stairs and escalators) will show the correct icon now

  • markers will be added in one batch now (FavendoMap)

  • you can now specify a custom map background within the FavendoMapFragment


  • LevelSwitcherDefault auto scrolls to selected level now

  • removed some obsolete log output

  • fixed a bug when adding objects into the FavendoMap


  • fixed a bug concerning crashes when adding objects into the FavendoMap

  • added FollowModeOnNavigationStart to configuration so you can now decide what happens when a navigation is started

  • fixed a bug which produced endless Polyline objects in some cases


  • new createNavigationTaskBuilder overloads

  • animation times are now better configurable

  • initial tilt is not explicit for navigation, but for the position-follow-rotate mode

  • maxZoomLevel in FavendoMap increased to 22


  • moveCamera on the FavendoMap now cancels running camera animations

  • prevented possible null pointer exceptions

  • CameraUpdate listeners of the FavendoMap now get the callback after the camera was moved, not before

  • SideView improvements

    • fixed a path display bug

    • SideView now takes ShipImageHeight and ShipImageWidth in its constructor

    • this fixes several issues that occurred when an offset was specified in the json


  • already selected markers will not be refreshed on subsequent clicks

  • selected markers are always on top of not selected markers (same zIndex)

  • fixed a bug with wrong polylines

  • several camera animation improvements

  • made movement direction source default

  • disabled sensor tilt per default

  • fix a bug in camera bounding box check


  • improved level switching mechanism

    • the level indicators will stop after the last marker was loaded

    • in case of a failed level switch the indicator will not stop but you can still switch levels

  • markers will not be selected after a finished or canceled navigation for now

  • due to the new movement direction feature the map offers a mapConfig.setPositionDirectionSource method now which can be used to select the behavior of the position follow button


  • image loading was completely encapsulated now

    • override createImageLoader method and use the image loading library you prefer

  • removed Glide and Picasso completely

  • improved marker selection

  • level switching progress is only finished after all markers and level plan were completely loaded


  • fixed several memory leaks within the FavendoMap

  • improved memory management and texture recycling of FavendoMap

  • fixed bugs with zIndex in the FavendoMap

  • fixed a crash when tapping the follow position button too fast

  • added SideView component

  • downloaded level plans have a new resolution now

  • fixed navigation route flickering on new position updates

  • if a navigation was started right at the destination the markers gets stuck as selected forever

  • map was not visible on initial start on some devices

  • sensor based map tilt in follow mode also works in landscape mode now

  • fixed a crash when when level switch was requested after map was already closed


  • fixed an issue with wrong zIndex interpretation

  • better bitmap recycling in FavendoMap

  • camera initialization in FavendoMap is only done once now

  • camera gestures in FavendoMap work more like in Google Maps

  • replaced Picasso image loading with Glide

  • multiple parallel camera animations are merged now in FavendoMap

  • improved level switch speed in FavendoMap

  • you can now rotate the camera by the current compass orientation

  • added CameraPosition.Builder for easier camera manipulation

  • zoom level in FavendoMap corrected


  • added Favendo MapView to the Map API - a custom OpenGL map implementation

  • added landscape support

  • onMapReady is called more reliably


  • moved PositionMarkerAnimationDuration to configuration

  • added minimum and maximum zoom level to configuration

  • added LevelIndicator feature including two system icons for the current users position and its navigation destination

  • PositionMarker can have a bearing now

  • added PositionMarkerCompassBearing to configuration

  • added Position Follow Mode feature

  • building of navigation tasks was moved to AsyncTask to improve performance

  • destination distance on marker detail will be updated on every new position now

  • navigation enabled setting is now true by default

  • camera move/animation now preserves bearing

  • position follow button is now a customizable UI component


  • request navigation button on MarkerDetailDefault immediately starts the navigation now

  • let the device vibrate whenever a destination is reached


  • new getMarkers() methods which can be used to retrieve all previously added markers

  • improved marker management when working with background threads and asynchronous calls

  • check if the current level is still correct after the asynchronous loading of the marker logo

  • every IndoorMarker has a rotation now

  • added method to remove all previously added IndoorMarker objects

  • added long press callback to the map Fragment

  • there is also a callback when pressing the marker detail view now

  • restore camera position does not crash anymore when the level is removed by now

  • added PicassoUtils for loading images synchronously

The following features are still in the test stage and are not documented yet!
  • added IndoorPaths which can be used to draw lines on a map

  • added tile level plan provider

  • added navigation feature but it is still disabled by default


  • added basemap module and first functionalities like camera, marker and level management

  • added googlemap module which contains the GoogleMapView as a first implementation of the favendo map